“Dream Steps international was happy to receive first aid kits that we could not only use to help safeguard our team members, but also to pass along to benefit 3 other organizations such as:

Fun Jesus orphanage: where kids are involved with many activities which can sometimes lead to minor injuries, such as by playing soccer ….one of the most practiced sports in Guatemala, and trust me, they are good at it!!! On Dreams Steps International’s last mission trip, we had the opportunity to see them enjoying the chance to play soccer for almost 2 hours!

Believe Guatemala is an organization that works with children that live in the biggest dump (landfill) in Guatemala. The children and their families live in extreme poverty on and around this area and can be exposed to hazards. A first aid kit will help very much with minor accidents and injuries to the children and others in the surrounding community.

Luz De Maria is an orphanage that we always love to visit to spend time with the children and help to make a difference in their lives. Active children are frequently in need of the benefits of a first aid kit!

The Dream Steps International teams are delivering bunk beds to extreme poverty areas, spending time with kids, visiting people at the dump, and also hiking volcanos and zip lining. The first aid kit helps bring peace of mind.

We would love to thank you for your donation and your willingness to help others in Guatemala.”